Cheering Up Mondays #364

There are new daffodils appearing daily and masses of them on the roadsides around Cheltenham.

Narcissus ‘Eaton Song’.

They’ve long been a favourite flower and this variety is one that’s topping that list. I grew it last year for the first time by chance when I was looking for something to fill a pot. It was so beautiful, I bought more to put in the border this year. Just the thing to start the week with a smile.

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    1. Yes, it’s really rather charming. I’m tending more and more towards the smaller daffs.

      1. I only grow the dwarf ones now, the taller ones get flattened by wind and rain. Plus I prefer them in bowls so I can have them on a table at the right height to catch the scent.

        1. I think the smaller varieties are easier after the flowers have faded – the leaves don’t get in the way as much.

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