Stop Press: The Orchid Show has now been cancelled due to the weather.
The first horticultural shows are welcome sign of spring and gardeners from across Gloucestershire will be putting on spirit-lifting displays of plants at two flower shows in the next few weeks.
Orchids of every colour will be exhibited at the annual Cheltenham & District Orchid Society show on Saturday March 3, 2018 and then it will be the turn of spring flowers at the first of Cheltenham Horticultural Society’s flower shows for 2018 on Sunday March 18.

The orchid show will bring together amateur and professional growers with displays from society members, specialist nurseries and groups, including Bristol & West of England Orchid Society.
There will be potting demonstrations and advice on growing orchids and a range of orchids and other plants for sale. Nurseries attending include Laurence Hobbs Orchids, Burnham Nurseries and Hoo House Nursery.

Gardeners can also take along their own orchids and have them repotted at a cost of £1.
The show will be held at Churchdown Community Centre, Parton Road, Churchdown, Gloucester and runs from 10.30am to 4pm on Saturday March 3, with entry £2.50. There is free parking and refreshments will be available. More information can be found on the society’s website.

Cheltenham Horticultural Society’s show will cover the full range of spring flowers and early vegetables with classes ranging from daffodils, primroses and tulips to plants grown for foliage, alpines and forced rhubarb. Visitors will get the chance to vote for their favourite daffodil entry.
There will also be photography, cookery and floral art competitions and contests for children to enter, including a favourite cut flower in a vase or jug and a homemade bug hotel.

Some of the classes are open to non-members and society chairman Dot Ward encouraged local gardeners to enter.
“You don’t have to have a garden packed with unusual plants, just a few daffodils is enough to enter at least one class.”
Advice and tips for exhibitors can be found on the society’s website.
Plants will be on sale both from members and specialist nurseries and the show will also include craft stalls.
The show is held at Pittville Pump Room in Cheltenham on Sunday March 18 from 12.30pm to 3.30pm. Admission is £2, with free admission for children under 16.
For full details, the show schedule and an entry form, visit the society’s website.
I have heard that the Orchid Show has been sadly cancelled due to the expected bad weather
Yes, the organisers told me earlier – been out without internet access so couldn’t alter the post. Such a shame but it won’t be the only event to fall foul of the weather.
A shame they have had to cancel, we have always enjoyed visiting the orchid show receiving advice and encouragement.
Yes, disappointing for all concerned, though not surprising given the weather!