Gardeners in Cheltenham are hosting a plant fair and getting an insight into the history of vegetable growing.

Lynda Warren will be talking about her father’s experience and her own research in ‘The Wartime Kitchen Garden’.
The talk is being hosted by Charlton Kings in Bloom, a voluntary group that promotes gardening in the Charlton Kings area of Cheltenham.
Members are also planning a plant fair outside the King’s Hall on May 13 from 9am to noon with vegetables, including tomatoes, annuals and perennials.
And the annual garden competition will take place later in the year.
The talk will be held at the Stanton Rooms, Charlton Kings in Cheltenham on Friday April 28, 2017. It starts at 7.30pm and tickets are £6 to include refreshments. They are available from The Forge newsagent (01242 523729).
For more details about Charlton Kings in Bloom, visit the website.