Cheering Up Mondays #461

It could be thought that today’s cheerful flower is fashionably late but what’s in a name, particularly a horticultural one? We all know plants that are called something or other blue yet are really purple.

Narcissus ‘January Silver’.

You’d have expected Narcissus ‘January Silver’ to flower, well, in January. However, it’s labelled as a February or early March bloomer – and it’s just about squeaked in there! Either way, it’s a welcome sight in the garden. Spring must be on the way.

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  1. I must look this one up. Such a pretty combination. I have some that fade to white as they age, but none that start off like this. Someone definitely misnamed it though!

    1. It is a pretty one though my favourite is ‘February Silver’, which is daintier. It’s difficult to find though – and usually just about makes February!

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