A sweet pea for this week’s cheerful flower as I’ve finally got around to sowing this year’s seeds.

This is one of the flowers from last year’s Gardening Trials (read about those here) and isn’t it a beauty!
I usually sow my sweet peas at the beginning of January but time has got away from me this year. There’s still plenty of time though and I sow now only because I have a heated propagator.
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I tried something different this year. I sowed some in the autumn. I was a bit late but they have come up and look strong. A gardening friend said that they are frost hardy to at least minus 10c and they seem happy in my unheated greenhouse after last week’s cold spell.
Yes, they’re far tougher than they look. Lots of people sow them in the autumn and overwinter them. I don’t because it’s one more thing to look after and I’m generally too busy. I like to use a propagator so the seed’s not sat in cold, wet soil for too long.