It just had to be this for today’s cheerful flower.

This is the first hellebore of the season and a very welcome sight. There are lots more in bud so the display should build over the next few weeks. I’m sure I’ve got space to fit in a few more though!
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Beautiful flower any idea on variety? I am hopeless buying lovely plants and never keep a record once they hit the soil!. At the moment, our house smells wonderful with sprays of sarcococca in flower arrangements. Makes you feel good to be alive
No idea, I’m afraid. It’s been in the garden for years – I can’t even remember where I bought it. I’m trying to be better at keeping records . . . Aren’t winter flowers wonderful – the very best thing for lifting the spirits.
Same colour as my first one. Though I have only got two buds, but it is a young plant
This is one of the first hellebores I planted. It’s still one of my favourites.
I was dead chuffed to see this one which I had grown from seed.
That makes it even more special.